Cannabis Basics
Cannabis 101
Respecting MA Cannabis Laws
You cannot use marijuana in any form (smoking, vaping, edibles, etc) while in public or on federal land.
You can have up to 1 ounce on you and up to 10 ounces in your home. If you have more than one ounce in your home, it must be locked up. However, it is best to keep any amount locked away to keep kids and pets safe.
Like alcohol, you cannot have an open container of any form of marijuana in the passenger area of your car while on the road or at a place where the public has access. It must be stored in a closed container in your trunk or in a locked glove compartment.
It is illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana. If you use, do not get behind the wheel. Instead, use public transportation, ride-shares or get a ride with a sober friend.
Employers, landlords, cities and towns may have their own policies about the use of marijuana. Check with them to learn what is permitted.
Consumers may not sell cannabis to any other individual. Wrongful distribution infractions in MA may result in a fine or jail time, depending on the offense.
Sources for safety and regulatory information are adapted from guidance issued by FDA, CDC, and MA regulations

Cannabis Indica is generally thought to have originated in areas of Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Morocco, and Turkey. Naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was the first European botanist to classify this type in 1785. He received his first samples from India and dubbed the plant Cannabis Indica in recognition of its source. It is also known to easily acclimate to the often harsh, dry and turbulent climate of the Hindu Kush Mountains.
Indica strains often have higher levels of CBD and less THC. It is commonly known for sedative or deep relaxation effects. Most consumers seem to prefer to use Indica shortly before bed or at a time during the day that is reserved for unwinding.

Cannabis hybrids came about throughout centuries of traveling and commercial activity. Cannabis cultivation was established in areas where it did not grow naturally and is typically grown on farms or in greenhouses using a combination of Sativa and Indica strains. Hybrid plants are most commonly grown to increase the percentage of THC, but each type has a unique ratio of CBD to THC.
Farmers and producers select hybrids for their unique impacts. Hybrid strains are known to produce a variety of effects because each is a cross between two strains, meaning that the effects are created by the two different parent strains and offer both cultivators and consumers an abundance of options of combinations and effects.

Sativa cannabis plants originated close to the equator, thriving in temperate regions with mild winters and long summers. These plants require balmy temperatures with relatively high humidity and thrive when given space to grow. The species was first classified by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. The word sativa refers to plants that have to be cultivated. Unfortunately, sativa plants require a longer growth time and produce a lower yield than Indica varieties.
Sativa often has lower levels of CBD and higher levels of THC. Sativa-dominant strains are generally known for increasing creativity, improving focus, and producing energizing, uplifting effects. Because of its stimulating effect, it is mostly used during the daytime.