CNA Stores Joins MassCBA
We recently joined the Massachusetts Cannabis Business Association (MassCBA) to stay abreast of potential changes in regulations, new scientific developments and best practices.
About a week after joining MassCBA, CNA hosted a roundtable discussion that was attended by industry thought and business leaders, including Shannon O’Brien, Chairwoman of the Cannabis Control Commission and CNA CEO Robert DiFazio. The discussion was informative and inspiring and addressed multiple topics of importance. A scientist who represented testing labs based in MA joined the conversation, as well as single license holders who presented their perspective of business needs and vertical integrated operators who spoke about issues they deal with. Educators from the Responsible Vendor Training program emphasized the need to increase education based on research.
We can all become siloed while building our brands and complain about our own day-to-day issues and the industry in general. The roundtable format is so much more productive. We learned from each other and shared ideas about processes and how we can work together as an industry. We discussed topics that will not only help to streamline business practices but will also help to put everyone on the same page regarding regulations, best practices and exciting new scientific discoveries. Having a regulator at the table bridged the gap between business and thought leaders, educators, and scientists. It was reassuring to hear that consumer safety is at the very top of everyone’s list of priorities and receives greater emphasis in MA than in surrounding states. Massachusetts has the strictest consumer protections built into cannabis regulations than any other state.
Massachusetts is home to the best and brightest in many fields, including the cannabis industry. The level of knowledge at the table was inspiring and motivating. It is clear that together we can create an industry that is constantly moving forward. For many years the advocacy community was splintered with different factions sharing different opinions, but the industry needs a balanced approach. In this author’s opinion, the roundtable provided a solid basis for efficiency, safety and communication.
Thanks to David O’Brien and his team for organizing this informative event.