Yeah we got suspended!!

Yeah we got suspended!!

Amesbury Suspends Impact Fee’s & CNA Stores intern Donates Over $100,000 to Local Veterans

As a Veteran owned company, CNA Stores is deeply committed to supporting Veterans Northeast Outreach Center (VNEOC).

VNEOC is an organization that has been around for 36 years and works to end veteran homelessness in New England. During the pandemic VNEOC has experience a decrease in donations while a demand for their services continues to rise. The last two years have been hard on many people in many ways and the organization is in dire need of support.

CNA Stores is fortunate to be able to present a donation in the amount of $116,202 to support the mission of VNEOC serving all of Massachusetts, including Amesbury where the company headquarters and one of their two retail stores are located.

This donation was made possible after the City of Amesbury recently suspended the assessment of impact fees (3%) upon local dispensaries and cultivation sites. Their decision was great news for us and our industry. The City will continue to collect excise taxes (3%).

To help our veterans and VNEOC please go to their donation page  or checks can be sent to VNEOC 10 Reed St., Haverhill, MA 01832.

Cannabis Impact Fee

Pictured Left to Right. Scott M. Forbes (USAF) Executive Director VNEOC | Rob DiFazio (Navy) Owner Founder CEO CNA Stores Inc. | Kassandra Gove, Mayor Amesbury MA.

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